Oh Canada!
Ein Jahr auf der anderen
Seite der Welt

Viele haben mich gefragt, ob es einen Grund gab, dass ich ausgerechnet nach Kanada wollte, als ich mich entschied, ein Auslandsjahr zu wagen. Meine Antwort darauf war einfach: Fernweh, die englische Sprache und vor allem wollte ich mal etwas anderes erleben.

Zurückblickend war das die beste Entscheidung meines Lebens, denn für nichts in der Welt würde ich diese Erfahrung wieder hergeben.

Und davon will ich euch berichten, meinem Auslandsjahr, das ich ungefähr eine Stunde entfernt von einer der kältesten Städte der Welt verbrachte.

Carman, Manitoba. That‘s where I spent ten months last year. If you just thought to yourself, where is that supposed to be?‘, I can tell you that was my exact reaction when they told me where I would end up.

For those of you who are too lazy to google it, Carman is a small town in central Manitoba, close to the city of Winnipeg. There‘s not much around there, just fields and creeks, but I‘ve grown to love it. I went to the Carman Collegiate, a small High School in town, that gave me the best High School experience I could have asked for. I even got to ride those yellow buses to school every morning. Don‘t laugh! I thought that was really cool. Okay, so here‘s how my first day of school went:

I was nervous as hell, to be honest, but as the principal had told me beforehand, he had assigned me two ‚buddies‘ to show me around: Kylie and Sam. It felt awkward to just stand there with them, trying to teach them how to pronounce my name and I felt like I was intruding but it got better. They brought me to my homeroom and told me they‘d pick me up after the first period. Well…

Things didn‘t quite work out that well. They didn‘t show up after that period and I made my way to the auditorium by simply following the crowd. I just thought to myself, ‚they‘re going to show up eventually‘.


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